Thursday, July 21, 2011

Blog change-up...

So, as you can see, I have changed the address of my blog. Instead of Jennie K. Wines, it's now Jennie K. Writes. I did this for a number of reasons, with the #1 being I just have too much to write about so why narrow it down to just wine? As many of you know reading and writing are just as much a part of my life as wining. Although I will continue to post about all experiences wine, I will also detail all experiences with reading and writing.

On Reading:

On Tuesday our book club met and we discussed The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. One word: excellent. Although it is a YA novel (teaching young adults, I find myself reading many MG and YA books), after all the rave reviews we decided to read it. I found myself totally engrossed in the plot. In fact, I completed the entire trilogy in just 4 days.

Every month we meet each member of the book club makes a dish that is somehow inspired by the novel. This month I made "noodles in green sauce" (pesto). Because there is so much food mentioned in the novel, we had quite the feast. Hearty raisin bread, orange chicken, summer seafood dip, spinach dip with pumpernickel bread, goat cheese and apple tart, roasted root veggies, delectable chocolate cake, iced cinnamon cookies, and many more awesome treats were eaten by all. Our host this month, Martina, did a fabulous job with the book-related decor. Silver parachutes held our silverware and the grassy centerpieces were surrounded by arrows and bows (very Katniss-esque.) I host in October, and have a few surprises up my sleeve! :)

On writing:

I freelance for two magazines. I have a deadline today, on my birthday, and it is on my favorite topic- Colic. Can you guess I'm being a little sarcastic about it being my favorite topic? Let me tell you, I know more about colic than I ever thought I would. If you have a colicky baby, ask me! I am writing this blog post awaiting a call from my final source.

My other article-in-progress is on a local Bed and Breakfast. I met with the innkeeper on Tuesday and found her inn to be quaint and charming. I just love the intimacy and detail of Bed and Breakfasts. Actually, my husband and I are staying in one tomorrow night in Frederick to celebrate my b-day. Of course we will hit up a winery or two on Saturday! :)

I will post about my latest MG WIP (work in progress) at another time. With article deadlines and grad work, I find myself not spending as much time with my novel length WIP as I would like.

Drink Naked...

I'm sure you are reading the title and thinking, "what the heck is Jennie talking about? Drink Naked?" Well, that saying is one of the first things you read when you walk into Naked Mountain Winery and Vineyards located in Markham, VA.

As we stepped foot in the winery, my dog Gia and I were greeted by the winery's co-owner Meagan Morgan. She didn't mind Gia one bit. In fact, she allowed her to roam around the winery leash-free! Meagan told me how she and her husband Randy bought the 35 year old winery in 2010. The couple decided to go wine-tasting at Naked Mountain, and after speaking with one of the wine pourers they heard that it was for sale. A few weeks later they purchased the winery!

Our experience at Naked Mountain was probably the best experience we had wining all day (we hit up 3 wineries total). We originally came here on a mission to purchase their Chardonnay/Riesling blend, but were disappointed to find out they were SOLD OUT! (This is kind of a bummer because it is a great blend to cool off with on a hot summer's day). However, after tasting their newly released 2010 Riesling, my husband and I took two glasses outside and enjoyed the scenery while Gia explored the wrap around deck. In the end, we stayed for over an hour and purchased three bottles of the Riesling. There are limited numbers, so buy it while you can! We will be back.

Upcoming events at Naked Mountain: Wine Maker's Dinner on July 23

Visit Naked Mountain at: